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;TBU:Transportation Business Unit
;TBU:Transportation Business Unit
;MDTA:Maryland Transportation Authority
;MDTA:Maryland Transportation Authority
;MAA:Maryland Aviation Administration
;MTA:Maryland Transit Authority
;MPA:Maryland Port Administration
;MVA:Motor Vehicle Administration
;PIA:Public Information Act
;TTF:Transportation Trust Fund
;CTP:Consolidated Transportation Plan
;A&E:Architectural & Engineering
;AAMVA:Association of Motor Vehicle Administrations
;ACDBE:Aiport Concessions Disadvantged Business Enterprises
;ADA:Americans with Disabilities Act
;AED:Automated External Defibrillator
;AELR:Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review
;AET:All Electronic Tolling
;AFCS:Automated Fare Collection System
;AFSCME Local 1859:American Federation of State, County and Municpal Employees
;ALPR:Automated License Plate Reader
;AMD:SHA's Access Management Division
;AMM:Air Mall Maryland
;AMVA:American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators
;APMs: Automatic Purchasing Machines
;ASD:Alternative Service Delivery:
;ASE:Automated Speed Enforcement
;ATCT:Airport Traffic Control Tower
;ATU Local 1300:Amalgamted Transit Union
;ATV:All Terrain Vehicle
;B&P:Baltimore and Potomac Tunnel
;BCCC:Baltimore City Community College
;BCDC:Baltimore City Detention Center
;BMC:Baltimore Metropolitan Council
;BNIP:Bus Network Improvement PRoject
;NPPA:Bicycle and Pedestrian Priority Areas
;BPW:Board of Public Works
;BRFA:Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act
;BRT:Bus Rapid Transit
;BRTB:Baltimore Region Transportation Board
;BVE:Bay View Estates
;BWI/Marshall:Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport
;C&D:Chesapeake & Delaware Canal
;CAC:Citizens' Advisory Council
;CASA:Central American Solidarity Asssociation
;CBP:Customs and Border Protection
;CCT:Corridor Cities Transitway
;CCTV:Closed Circuit Television
;CCU:Central Collections Unit
;CFA:Capital Funding Agreement
;CG:Corps' Construction General Budget
;CHP:Courthouse Point
;CIA:Cumulative Impact Assessment
;CIP:Capital Improvement Program
;CIT:Corporate Income Tax
;CMAQ:Congestion Management and Air Quality
;Corps:United States Army Corps of Engineers
;CPI:Consumer Price Index
;CPR:Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
;CTB:Consolidated Transportation Bonds
;CTP:Consolidated Transportation Program
;CTS:Cubic Transportation Systems, Inc.
;CWS:Comprehensive Work Schedule
;CY:Calendar Year
;DAV:Disabled American Veterans
;DBE:Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
;DBED:Department of Business and Economic
;DBFOM:Design,Build,Finance,Operate, and Maintain
;DBM:Department of Budget and Management
;DGS:Department of General Services
;DHCD:Department of Housing & Community Development
;DHMH:Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
;DHR:Department of Human Resources
;DLLR:Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
;DLS:Department of Legislative Services
;DMCF:Dredged Material Containment Facility
;DMMP:Maryland's Dredged Material Management Program
;DoIT:Department of Information Technology
;DPSCS:Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services
;DSP:Department of State Police
;DVA:Department of Veteran's Affairs
;DW&S:Driver Wellness & Safety
;DWDAL:Division of Workforce Development & Audit Learning
;EIS:Environmental Impact Statement
;EMMA:Electronic Municipal Market Access
;EPAMD:Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device
;ETF:Education Trust Fund
;EV:Electric Vehicle
;EVIC:Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council
;F&E:Facilities and Equipment
;FAA:Federal Aviation Administration
;FAQ:Frequently Asked Questions
;FCSA:Feasability Cost Sharing Agreement
;FFGA:Full Funding Grant Agreement
;FFY:Federal Fiscal Year (October 1- September 30)
;FHTF:Federal Highway Trust Fund
;FMCSA:Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
;FMIS:Financial Management Information System
;FRA:Federal Railroad Administration
;FRD:BWI Marshall Fire and Rescue Department
;FTA:Federal Transit Administration
;FY:State Fiscal Year (July 1 - June 30)
;GHG:Green House Gas
;GMVRA:Gasoline and Motor Vehicle Revenue Account
;GO Bonds: General Obligation Bonds
;GOCCP:Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention
;GOMA:Governor's Office of Minority Affairs
;GRR:General Reevaluation Report
;Harbor:Baltimore Harbor
;HNI:Highway Needs Inventory
;HOV:High Occupancy Vehicles
;HUR:Highway User Revenue
;IACP:International Association of Chiefs of Police
;ICC:Intercounty Connector
;ICTF:Intermodal Container Transfer Facility
;IFB:Invitation for Bid
;IG:Inspector General
;IISP:Ignition Interlock System Program
;IRC:DMMP's Innovative Reuse Committee
;JCR:Joint Chairmen's Report
;JPO:TIFIA Joint Program Office
;LCCA:Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
;LGTCA:Local Government Tort Claims ACT
;LIDAR:Light Detection and Ranging
;LOTS:Locally Operated Transit System
;LPA:Labor Peace Agreement
;LSB:Low-Speed Vehicle
;LW:Living Wage
;LWA:Light Weight Aggregate
;MAB:Medical Advisory Board
;MAP-21:Moving Ahead in the 21st Century Act
;MARC:Maryland Area Regional Commuter Service
;MBE:MDOT's Office of Minority Business Enterprise
;MBI:Mid-Bay Island
;MCAC:Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center
;MCCBL:Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan or Capital Bond Bill
;MCEC:Maryland Clean Energy Center
;MCY:Million Cubic Yards
;MDA:Maryland Department of Agriculture
;MDE:Maryland Department of Environment
;MDP:Maryland Department of Planning
;MDTAP:Maryland Transportation Authority Police
;MEA:Maryland Energy Administration
;MEDCO:Maryland Economic Development Corporation
;MEIF:Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund
;MEIFA:Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund Authority
;MEMSOF:Marlyand Emergency Medical System Operations Fund
;MES:Maryland Environmental Service
;MGA:Maryland General Assembly
;MGIP:MARC Growth and Investment Plan
;MIA:Maryland Insurance Administration
;MIZOD:Maritime Industrial Zoning Overlay District
;MMTA:Maryland Motor Truck Association
;MPO:Metropolitan Planning Organization
;MS4:Municpal Separate Storm Sewer System
;MSBDFA:MD Small Business Development Financing Authority
;MSC:Metropolitan Safety Committee
;MSDE:Maryland State Department of Education
;MSP:Maryland State Police
;MSU:Morgan State University
;MTAP:Maryland Transit Police
;MTP:Maryland Transportation Plan
;M-View:Governor's Statewide CCTV Interoperability Program
;NEC:Northeast Corridor
;NEPA:National Environmental Police Act
;NEPP:New Electronic Payment Program
;NERA:NERA Economic Research Associates,Inc.
;NHTSA:National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
;NLPMT:North Locust Point Marine Terminal
;NOTD:Notice of Toll Due
;NPDES MS4: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
;NRP: Natural Resources Police
;NTSB:National Transportation Safety Board
;OA:MDOT's Office of Audits
;OAG:Office of Attorney General
;OCR:Optical Character Recognition
;OFM:MDOT's Office of Freight and Multimodalism
;OIPD:Office of Innovative Project Delivery
;OLA:Office of Legislative Audits
;OPCM:SHA's Office of Procurement and Contract Management
;OPEI Local 2:Office and Professional Employees International
;P3:Public Private Partnership
;PABs:Private Activity Boards
;PBSC:Public Bike Share Company
;PI:Poplar Island
;PIE:Poplar Island Expansion
;PLA:Project Labor Agreement
;POB:Port of Baltimore
;PRIIA:Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act
;PRSA:SHA's Pedestrian Focused Roadway Safety Audits
;PSC:Public Service Commission
;PTC:Police Training Commission
;PW:Prevailing Wage
;RFGPTS:Rail Fixed Guideway Public Transportation System
;RFI:Request for Information
;RFP:Request for Proposal
;ROW:Right of Way
;RSA:Runway Safety Area
;S2S:State to State
;SAFETEA-LU:Safe,Accountable,Flexible,Efficient Transportation Equity Act
;SBE:State Board of Elections
;SBR:Small Busuiness Reserve Program
;SEC:State Ethics Commission
;SEIF:Strategic Energy Investment Fun
;SGCC:Smart Growth Coordinating Committee
;SLECC:State Law Enforcement Coordinating Council
;SMCM:St. Mary's College of Maryland
;SMP:Statewide Salt Management Plan
;SMRT:Southern Maryland Rapid Transit
;SRWG:Suspended and Revoked Working Group
;SSO:State Safety Oversight
;STIP:State-Wide Transportation Improvement Plan
;SWM:Stormwater Management
;TIB:Transportation Infrastructure Bank
;TIFIA:Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act
;TIGER:Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery
;TIIA:Transportation Infrastructure Investment Act of 2013
;TMDL:Total Maximum Daily Load
;TMP:Transit Modernization Program
;TOC:Transit Oversight
;TOD:Transit-Oriented Development
;TSA:Transportation Security Administration
;TSO:The Secretary's Office
;TTF:Transportation Trust Fund
;UFCW Local 1994: United Food and Commerical Workers
;USDOT:United States Department of Transportation
;USEPA:United States Environmental Protection Agency
;USM:University of Maryland
;VEIP:Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program
;VLTs:Video Lottery Terminals
;VMT:Vehicle Miles Traveled
;VTR:Video Toll Rate
;WCC:Worker's Compensation Commission
;WIP:Watershed Improvement Plan
;WMATA:Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
;WQC:Water Quality Certificate
;WRDA:Water Resources Development Act of 1996
;WRRDA:Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014
;WVS:West View Shores
;Administration:Shall mean any one of the Administrations within the Maryland Department of Transportation, as listed in GP 1.02.
;Administrator:The chief executive officer of an Administration.
;Engineer:Any person designated by the Administrator or the procurement officer, acting directly or through his duly authorized representative, such representative acting within the scope of the particular duties assigned to him or of the authority given him.
;Inspector:The authorized representative of the procurement officer assigned to make detailed inspection of any or all portions of the work, or materials therefore.
;Procurement Officer:Any person authorized by a State agency in accordance with law or regulations to formulate, enter into, or administer Contracts or make written determinations and findings with respect to them.  The term also includes an authorized representative acting within the limits of authority.
;Secretary:The chief executive officer of the Maryland Department of Transportation.
;AAN:American Association of Nurserymen
;AAPA:American Association of Port Authorities
;AAR:Association of American Railroads
;AASHTO:American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
;ACI:American Concrete Institute
;AIA:American Institute of Architects
;AIEE:American Institute of Electrical Engineers
;AISC:American Institute of Steel Construction
;AISI:American Iron and Steel Institute
;ANSI:American National Standards Institute
;ARA:American Railway Association
;AREA:American Railway Engineering Association
;ASCE:American Society of Civil Engineers
;ASHRAE:American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
;ASLA:American Society of Landscape Architects
;ASME:American Society of Mechanical Engineers
;ASTM:American Society for Testing and Materials
;ATA:American Transit Association
;AWWA:American Water Works Association
;AWS:American Welding Society
;AWPA:American Wood Preservers Association
;AGC:Associated General Contractors of America
;BOCA:Building Officials Conference of America
;COMAR:Code of Maryland Regulations
;CRSI:Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
;EEI:Edison Electric Institute
;EIA:Electronic Industries Association
;EPA:Environmental Protection Agency
;FAA:Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
;FCC:Federal Communications Commission
;FHWA:Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
;FRA:Federal Railway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
;FSS:Federal Specifications and Standards, General Services Administration
;FTA:Federal Transit Administration
;IEEE:Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
;IES:Illuminating Engineers Society
;IMSA:International Municipal Signal Association
;IPCEA:Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association
;IRT:Institute for Rapid Transit
;MBMA:Metal Building Manufacturers' Association
;NCHRP:National Cooperative Highway Research Program
;MSMT:Maryland Standard Method of Tests (as developed by the State Highway Administration)
;MdMUTCD:Maryland Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
;NBFU: National Board of Fire Underwriters
;NBS:National Bureau of Standards
;NEC:National Electric Code
;NESC:National Electric Safety Code
;NEMA:National Electrical Manufacturers' Association
;NFPA:National Fire Protection Association
;OSHA:Occupational Safety and Health Administration
;RLMI:Reflector and Lamp Manufacturers' Institute
;SAE:Society of Automotive Engineers
;SAWP:Society of American Wood Preservers
;SSPC:Society for Protective Coatings
;UL:Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated
;QPL:Qualified Products List Award—The decision by a procurement agency to execute a purchase agreement or Contract after all necessary approvals have been obtained.
;Award: The decision by a procurement agency to execute a purchase agreement or Contract after all necessary approvals have been obtained.
;Bid:A statement of price, terms of sale, and description of the supplies, services, construction or construction related services offered by a bidder to the State in response to an Invitation for Bids.
;Bid Bond:See Proposal Guaranty.
;Bid Form:The approved form on which an Administration requires bids to be set forth and submitted.
;Bidder:A person formally submitting a bid for the work contemplated, acting directly or through a duly authorized representative.
;Board:The Board of Public Works of the State of Maryland.
;Business:A corporation, partnership, individual, sole proprietorship, joint venture, or any other legal entity through which commercial activity is conducted.
;Calendar Day:Every day shown on the calendar, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays included.
;Change Order:A written order signed by the responsible procurement officer, directing a Contractor to make changes which the changes clause of a Contract authorizes the procurement officer to order with or without the consent of the Contractor.  TC 1.03 shall also apply.
;Contract:Any agreement entered into by a procurement agency for the acquisition of supplies, services, construction, construction related services, architectural services or engineering services.Contract does not include: Collective bargaining agreements with employee organizations or agreements creating employer employee relationships, as defined in Article 64A, Section 15A(a)(3), Annotated Code of Maryland, Medicaid, Medicare, Judicare, or similar reimbursement contracts which user eligibility and cost are set by law or regulation.
;Contract Documents:The written agreement executed between an Administration and the successful bidder, covering the performance of the work and furnishing of labor, equipment and materials, by which the Contractor is bound to perform the work and furnish the labor, equipment and materials, and by which the Administration is obligated to compensate him therefore at the mutually established and accepted rate or price.  The Contract Documents shall include the Invitation for Bids, Notice to Contractors, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Contract Forms and Bonds, General Provisions, Specifications, Supplemental Specifications, all Special Provisions, all Technical Provisions, all Plans and Notices to Proceed, also any written Change Orders and Supplemental Agreements that are required to complete the construction of the work in an acceptable manner, including authorized extension thereof
;Contract Drawings:See definition of "Plans".
;Contract Item (Pay Item):An item of work specifically described and for which a price, either unit or lump sum, is provided.  It includes the performance of all work and the furnishing of all labor, equipment, and materials, described herein or described in any Supplemental Specifications or Special Provisions.
;Contract Modification:Any written alteration in the Specifications, delivery point, date of delivery, Contract period, price, quantity, or other provision of any existing Contract, whether accomplished in accordance with a Contract Provision, or by mutual action of the parties to the Contract.  It includes change orders, extra work orders, supplemental agreements, Contract amendments, or reinstatements.
;Contractor:Any person having a Contract with a procurement agency.  Contractor does not include an employee with an employment Contract, or an employee organization with a collective bargaining agreement.
;Day:Calendar day unless otherwise designated.
;Invitation for Bids:Any document, whether attached or incorporated by reference, used for soliciting bids under procurement by competitive sealed bidding and small procurement procedures including requests for quotations.
;Notice to Contractors:The advertisement for Bids for all required work or materials.  Such advertisement will indicate the location and magnitude of the work to be done or the character and quantity of the material to be furnished and the time and place of the opening of bids.
;Notice to Proceed:A written notice to the Contractor of the date on or before which he shall begin the prosecution of the work to be done under the Contract.
;Payment Bond:Security as stated in COMAR as a guarantee that Contractor will pay in full all bills and accounts for materials and labor used in the work, as provided by law.
;Performance Bond:Security as stated in COMAR, guaranteeing complete performance of the Contract.
;Person:Any individual or a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, joint stock company, joint venture, unincorporated association, union, committee, club, or other organization or legal entity.
;Plans:The official drawings issued by the Administration as part of the Contract Documents, including those incorporated in the Contract Documents by reference.
;Proposal:The response by an offeror to a request for proposals issued by a procurement agency to obtain goods or labor.  The response may include but is not limited to an offeror's price and terms for the proposed Contract, and description of technical expertise, work experience and other information as requested in the solicitation.  As used herein the word "proposal" means "bid".
;Proposal Guaranty:The security, in the form stated in COMAR, designated in the Proposal, to be furnished by the offeror as a guaranty of good faith to enter into a Contract with the State, if the work of constructing the improvement is awarded to him.
;Resident Business:A business whose principal office or principal base of operations is located in the State.
;Responsible Bidder or Offeror:A person who has the capability in all respects to perform fully the Contract requirements, and the integrity and reliability that shall assure good faith performance.
;Responsive Bid:A bid submitted in response to an Invitation for Bids that conforms in all material respects to the requirements contained in the Invitation for Bids.
;Specification:A written description of functional characteristics, or the nature of a construction item to be procured.  It may include a
statement of any of the user's requirements and may provide for inspection, testing, or preparation of a construction item before procurement.
;State:The State of Maryland acting through its authorized representative.
;Subcontract:Any agreement entered into by the Contractor or a subcontractor for a portion of the construction or any other part of the work in connection with, and under the terms of, the Contract.
;Subcontractor:Any person undertaking a portion of the construction or any other part of the work under the terms of the Contract, by virtue of an agreement with the Contractor or a subcontractor who, prior to such undertaking has received the approval of the Administration.  Subcontractor does not include an employee with an employment contract, or an employee organization with a collective bargaining agreement.
;Superintendent:The executive representative of the Contractor authorized to receive and execute instructions from the procurement officer, and who shall supervise and direct the construction.
;Supplemental Specifications:Additions and revisions to the Standard Specifications.  Generally include new or improved procedures, construction items or materials developed subsequent to the publication of Standard Specifications.
;Surety:The corporate body bound with and for the Contractor, for the full and complete performance of the Contract, and for the payment of all debts pertaining to the work.  When applying to the Bid Bond, it refers to the corporate body which engages to be responsible in the execution by the bidder of a satisfactory Contract.
;Third Tier Contracting:The process in which the Contractor subcontracts a portion of the Contract to a subcontractor who in turn subcontracts a portion of the Contract to a third party.  This latter action is termed entering into a third tier Contract.
;Work:Work shall be understood to mean the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, and other incidentals necessary to the successful completion of the project and the carrying out of all the duties and obligations imposed by the Contract.
;Subgrade:The top surface of a roadbed upon which the pavement structure, shoulders, and curbs are constructed.
;Substructure:All of that part of the structure below bottoms of bearings of simple and continuous spans, skewbacks of arches and tops of footings of rigid frames, together with the back walls and wing walls.
;Superstructure:All of that part of the structure above bottoms of bearings of simple and continuous spans, skewbacks of arches and tops of footings of rigid frames, except as noted above for substructure.
;Surface Course:One or more layers of a pavement designed to accommodate the traffic load.
;Traveled Way:The portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders.
;Trench:An excavation made for the purpose of installing or removing pipes, drains, catch basins, etc., which is later refilled.
;Working Day:A calendar day upon which, in the judgement of the Engineer, weather and soil conditions are such that the Contractor can advantageously work more than half of his current normal force for more than five consecutive hours on a controlling operation.  Working days will not be charged on Saturdays, Sundays, and State recognized holidays unless the Contractor actually works more than five hours on a controlling operation.
;Working Drawings:Stress sheets, shop drawings, fabrication details, erection plans, plans for false work, forms, centering, cribs, cofferdams and masonry layouts, bending and placing drawings, bar schedules for reinforcement steel, and any other supplementary plans or similar data that the Contractor may be required to furnish.
;Additional Work:Work not required or provided for in the original Contract.
;Base Course:The one or more layers of specified material and thickness placed on a subbase or a subgrade to support a surface course.
;Bridge:A structure including supports erected over a depression or an obstruction, such as water, highway, or railway, and having a track or passageway for carrying traffic or other moving loads, and having an opening measured along the center of the roadway of more than 20 feet between undercopings of abutments or spring lines of arches, or extreme ends of openings for multiple boxes; it may also include multiple pipes, where the clear distance between openings is less than half of the smaller contiguous opening.  For lengths, all dimensions shall be parallel to the center line of the roadway.  The dimensions of handrails will not be taken into account in measuring bridge lengths. Any bridge or highway grade separation structure includes the connecting highways, substructure, superstructure, roadway approaches, entrance plazas, interchanges, overpasses, underpasses, and other structures which the Administration may deem necessary together with all property rights, easements, franchises, and interests acquired by the Administration for the construction and operation of the bridge.
;Certification:A document which verifies that the material and work complies with the applicable specifications and includes the actual test results to confirm the statement.  The contents of the certification shall be on the Contractor's/vendor's/manufacturer's letterhead or approved document and shall be duly signed by a company officer. Certifications for metal products, when required, shall include a statement that the material was melted and manufactured in the United States except as provided in Section 165 of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, as amended by Section 1041(a) and 1048(a) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with regard to the furnishing and coating of iron and steel products.  A nationwide waiver for this provision has been granted for pig iron and processed, pelletized, and reduced iron ore.
;Change Order:A written document amending the Contract by adding, deleting, or modifying the Contract to include price, time, work, and conditions not previously addressed within the Contract.  Refer to GP 1.05.
;Contract Time:The number of working days, calendar days, or a calendar date specified in the Contract Documents indicating the time period allowed for the completion of the Contract work.
;Controlling Operation:An operation which at the particular time under consideration has a controlling effect on the progress of the project as a whole.
;Culvert:Any structure not classified as a bridge which provides an opening under any roadway.
;Domestic Manufacture:When referring to metallic items such as structural steel, pipe, reinforcement, bridge rails, etc., the term Domestic Manufacture means those metal products that have been melted and manufactured within the United States.
;Drainage Ditch:In general, any open water course other than gutters, constructed as indicated in the Contract Documents.
;Equipment:All machinery, tools, and apparatus necessary for the proper construction and acceptable completion of the work, together with the necessary supplies for upkeep and maintenance.
;Federal Agencies:Reference to any Federal agency or officer shall be deemed made to any agency or officer succeeding in conformance with law to the powers, duties, jurisdictions, and authority of the agency or officer mentioned.
;General Provisions (GP) :Contract provisions published as part of, or as a supplement to the Standard Specifications intended for general application and repetitive use.
;Holidays:In the State of Maryland, holidays occur on: January 1- New Year's Day, 3rd Monday in January-Martin Luther King's Birthday, 3rd Monday in February-President's Day, 4th Monday in May- Memorial Day, July 4-Independence Day, 1st Monday in September-Labor Day, 2nd Monday in October-Columbus Day, November 11-Veteran's Day, 4th Thursday in November-Thanksgiving Day, December 25-Christmas Day. All days of General and Congressional Elections (not primary elections) throughout the State. If a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be deemed and treated as a holiday. If a legal holiday falls on a Saturday, the Friday immediately preceding shall be deemed and treated as a holiday.
;Laboratory:The testing laboratory of the State Highway Administration (or other Administrations) or any other testing laboratory designated by the procurement officer.
;Median:The portion of a divided highway separating the traveled ways for traffic in opposite directions.
;Pavement  Structure:The surface, base, or subbase course placed in layers on a subgrade to support and distribute the traffic load to the roadbed.
;Profile Grade:The trace of a vertical plane intersecting the top surface of the proposed wearing surface usually along the longitudinal center line of the roadway.  Profile grade means either elevation or gradient of the vertical plane.
;Ramp:A connecting roadway between two intersecting highways at a highway separation.
;Right of Way:The area acquired and reserved by the Administration for use in constructing the proposed improvement and appurtenances.
;Roadbed:The graded portion of a highway within the top and side slopes prepared as a foundation for the pavement structure and shoulders.
;Road or Highway:Both the word road and the word highway include rights of way, surfaces, subgrades, shoulders, median dividers, drainage facilities and structures, roadway cuts, roadway fills, traffic barriers, bridges, highway grade elimination structures, tunnels, overpasses, underpasses, interchanges, entrance plazas, approaches, and other structures forming an integral part of a street, road, or highway; including bicycle and walking paths and related storm water management facilities and structures.  Any other property acquired for the construction, operation, or use of the highway.
;Roadside:A general term denoting the area adjoining the outer edge of the roadbed within the right of way.  Extensive areas between the roadways of a divided highway may also be considered roadside.
;Roadside Development:Work for the preservation of natural and landscaped areas and the rehabilitation and protection against erosion of all areas disturbed by construction through turf establishment and the placing of other ground covers, suitable planting, and other improvements to increase the effectiveness and enhance the appearance of the highway.
;Seal Coat:An application of asphalt material followed by an application of cover coat aggregate.
;Shoulder:The portion of the roadbed contiguous with the traveled way for accommodation of stopped vehicles, for emergency use, and for lateral support of base and surface courses.
;Sidewalk:The portion of the roadway constructed for use by pedestrians.
;Slopes:The inclined graded areas beyond the shoulder, extending from the shoulders to the natural, undisturbed surface of the ground.
;Special  Provisions (SP):Specifications for a specific item or condition requirement peculiar to an individual project and not otherwise thoroughly or satisfactorily detailed in the Contract Documents.
;Special  Provisions Insert (SPI) :Additions and revisions to the Standard Specifications that have been officially approved.
;Standard  Specifications:The most current book of Specifications entitled "Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials" published by the Administration and intended for general application and repetitive use.
;Standards:The official Standards for Highway and Incidental Structures, maintained on the Administration website.  The latest incorporated revisions issued on or before the date of advertisement of the Contract.
;State Highway System:That system of roads owned, operated, or maintained by the Administration.
;State Road:Any public road included in the State highway system.
;Structures:Bridges, culverts, catch basins, drop inlets, retaining walls, cribbing, manholes, end walls, buildings, sewers, service pipes, underdrains, foundation drains, steps, fences, and other features that may be encountered in the work and not otherwise classified.
;Subbase:The layers of specified or selected material of designed thickness placed on a subgrade to support a base course or surface course.
;3R:3R stands for resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation projects. 3R projects typically involve pavement improvement work (short of full-depth replacement) and targeted safety improvements. 3R projects generally involve retention of the existing three-dimensional alignment.
;TWIC:Transportation Worker Identification Credentials
;SCM:Stormwater Control Measures
;HGL:Hydraulic Grade Line
;ESD:Environmental Site Design
;MEP:Maximum Extent Practicable
;NOAA:National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
;EDC:Electronic Data Collection
;Incentive/Disincentive:An Incentive/Disincentive in a contract will pay a contractor an incentive for each day that he gets the bridge open to traffic early, up to a set maximum amount.  If the contractor is late getting the bridge open to traffic, he will be charged a disincentive for each day that the bridge is not open, without a maximum limit.
;mafis:MAFI is world-wide the synonym of rolltrailers used in modern RoRo Ports and Container Terminals
;goldhofer;a type of heavy haul trailer
;statnamic:Is a type of test for assessing the load carrying capacity of deep foundations which is faster and less expensive than the static load test.
;Proctor:The Proctor compaction test is a laboratory method of experimentally determining the optimal moisture content at which a given soil type will become most dense and achieve its maximum dry density. The term Proctor is in honor of R. R. Proctor, who in 1933 showed that the dry density of a soil for a given compactive effort depends on the amount of water the soil contains during soil compaction.
;USCS:Unified Soil Classification System
;SM:Unified Soil Classification System term for Silt
;bogie:an undercarriage with four or six wheels pivoted beneath the end of a railroad car
;MSE:mechanically stabilized earth
;weathering steel:Weathering steel, best-known under the trademark COR-TEN steel and sometimes written without the hyphen as corten steel, is a group of steel alloys which were developed to eliminate the need for painting, and form a stable rust-like appearance if exposed to the weather for several years.
;signal warrants:A warrant is a set of criteria used to define the relative need for, and. appropriateness of, a particular traffic control device (e.g., STOP or YIELD sign, traffic signal, etc.). Warrants are usually expressed in the form of numerical. requirements such as the volume of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
;signal warrant:A warrant is a set of criteria used to define the relative need for, and. appropriateness of, a particular traffic control device (e.g., STOP or YIELD sign, traffic signal, etc.). Warrants are usually expressed in the form of numerical. requirements such as the volume of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
;RCC:Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) or rolled concrete is a special blend of concrete that has essentially the same ingredients as conventional concrete but in different ratios, and increasingly with partial substitution of fly ash for Portland cement.
;SCC:Self consolidating concrete (SCC), also known as self compacting concrete, is a highly flowable, non-segre- gating concrete that can spread into place, fill the formwork and encapsulate the reinforcement without any mechanical consolidation.

Latest revision as of 19:24, 5 April 2017

File Transfer Protocol
Transportation Article, § 2-102(b)(2)
The Secretary is responsible for the operation of the Department and shall establish guidelines and procedures to promote the orderly and efficient administration of the Department. He may establish, reorganize, or abolish areas of responsibility in the Department as necessary to fulfill effectively the duties assigned to him. He may designate staff assistants to be in charge of the areas of responsibility he establishes.
Maryland Department of Transportation
Maryland Aviation Administration
Transportation Business Unit
Maryland Transportation Authority
Maryland Transit Authority
Maryland Port Administration
Motor Vehicle Administration
Public Information Act
Transportation Trust Fund
Consolidated Transportation Plan
Architectural & Engineering
Association of Motor Vehicle Administrations
Aiport Concessions Disadvantged Business Enterprises
Americans with Disabilities Act
Automated External Defibrillator
Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review
All Electronic Tolling
Automated Fare Collection System
AFSCME Local 1859
American Federation of State, County and Municpal Employees
Automated License Plate Reader
SHA's Access Management Division
Air Mall Maryland
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators
Automatic Purchasing Machines
Alternative Service Delivery:
Automated Speed Enforcement
Airport Traffic Control Tower
ATU Local 1300
Amalgamted Transit Union
All Terrain Vehicle
Baltimore and Potomac Tunnel
Baltimore City Community College
Baltimore City Detention Center
Baltimore Metropolitan Council
Bus Network Improvement PRoject
Bicycle and Pedestrian Priority Areas
Board of Public Works
Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act
Bus Rapid Transit
Baltimore Region Transportation Board
Bay View Estates
Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport
Chesapeake & Delaware Canal
Citizens' Advisory Council
Central American Solidarity Asssociation
Customs and Border Protection
Corridor Cities Transitway
Closed Circuit Television
Central Collections Unit
Capital Funding Agreement
Corps' Construction General Budget
Courthouse Point
Cumulative Impact Assessment
Capital Improvement Program
Corporate Income Tax
Congestion Management and Air Quality
United States Army Corps of Engineers
Consumer Price Index
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Consolidated Transportation Bonds
Consolidated Transportation Program
Cubic Transportation Systems, Inc.
Comprehensive Work Schedule
Calendar Year
Disabled American Veterans
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
Department of Business and Economic
Design,Build,Finance,Operate, and Maintain
Department of Budget and Management
Department of General Services
Department of Housing & Community Development
Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
Department of Human Resources
Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
Department of Legislative Services
Dredged Material Containment Facility
Maryland's Dredged Material Management Program
Department of Information Technology
Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services
Department of State Police
Department of Veteran's Affairs
Driver Wellness & Safety
Division of Workforce Development & Audit Learning
Environmental Impact Statement
Electronic Municipal Market Access
Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device
Education Trust Fund
Electric Vehicle
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council
Facilities and Equipment
Federal Aviation Administration
Frequently Asked Questions
Feasability Cost Sharing Agreement
Full Funding Grant Agreement
Federal Fiscal Year (October 1- September 30)
Federal Highway Trust Fund
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Financial Management Information System
Federal Railroad Administration
BWI Marshall Fire and Rescue Department
Federal Transit Administration
State Fiscal Year (July 1 - June 30)
Green House Gas
Gasoline and Motor Vehicle Revenue Account
GO Bonds
General Obligation Bonds
Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention
Governor's Office of Minority Affairs
General Reevaluation Report
Baltimore Harbor
Highway Needs Inventory
High Occupancy Vehicles
Highway User Revenue
International Association of Chiefs of Police
Intercounty Connector
Intermodal Container Transfer Facility
Invitation for Bid
Inspector General
Ignition Interlock System Program
DMMP's Innovative Reuse Committee
Joint Chairmen's Report
TIFIA Joint Program Office
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
Local Government Tort Claims ACT
Light Detection and Ranging
Locally Operated Transit System
Labor Peace Agreement
Low-Speed Vehicle
Living Wage
Light Weight Aggregate
Medical Advisory Board
Moving Ahead in the 21st Century Act
Maryland Area Regional Commuter Service
MDOT's Office of Minority Business Enterprise
Mid-Bay Island
Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center
Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan or Capital Bond Bill
Maryland Clean Energy Center
Million Cubic Yards
Maryland Department of Agriculture
Maryland Department of Environment
Maryland Department of Planning
Maryland Transportation Authority Police
Maryland Energy Administration
Maryland Economic Development Corporation
Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund
Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund Authority
Marlyand Emergency Medical System Operations Fund
Maryland Environmental Service
Maryland General Assembly
MARC Growth and Investment Plan
Maryland Insurance Administration
Maritime Industrial Zoning Overlay District
Maryland Motor Truck Association
Metropolitan Planning Organization
Municpal Separate Storm Sewer System
MD Small Business Development Financing Authority
Metropolitan Safety Committee
Maryland State Department of Education
Maryland State Police
Morgan State University
Maryland Transit Police
Maryland Transportation Plan
Governor's Statewide CCTV Interoperability Program
Northeast Corridor
National Environmental Police Act
New Electronic Payment Program
NERA Economic Research Associates,Inc.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
North Locust Point Marine Terminal
Notice of Toll Due
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
Natural Resources Police
National Transportation Safety Board
MDOT's Office of Audits
Office of Attorney General
Optical Character Recognition
MDOT's Office of Freight and Multimodalism
Office of Innovative Project Delivery
Office of Legislative Audits
SHA's Office of Procurement and Contract Management
OPEI Local 2
Office and Professional Employees International
Public Private Partnership
Private Activity Boards
Public Bike Share Company
Poplar Island
Poplar Island Expansion
Project Labor Agreement
Port of Baltimore
Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act
SHA's Pedestrian Focused Roadway Safety Audits
Public Service Commission
Police Training Commission
Prevailing Wage
Rail Fixed Guideway Public Transportation System
Request for Information
Request for Proposal
Right of Way
Runway Safety Area
State to State
Safe,Accountable,Flexible,Efficient Transportation Equity Act
State Board of Elections
Small Busuiness Reserve Program
State Ethics Commission
Strategic Energy Investment Fun
Smart Growth Coordinating Committee
State Law Enforcement Coordinating Council
St. Mary's College of Maryland
Statewide Salt Management Plan
Southern Maryland Rapid Transit
Suspended and Revoked Working Group
State Safety Oversight
State-Wide Transportation Improvement Plan
Stormwater Management
Transportation Infrastructure Bank
Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act
Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery
Transportation Infrastructure Investment Act of 2013
Total Maximum Daily Load
Transit Modernization Program
Transit Oversight
Transit-Oriented Development
Transportation Security Administration
The Secretary's Office
Transportation Trust Fund
UFCW Local 1994
United Food and Commerical Workers
United States Department of Transportation
United States Environmental Protection Agency
University of Maryland
Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program
Video Lottery Terminals
Vehicle Miles Traveled
Video Toll Rate
Worker's Compensation Commission
Watershed Improvement Plan
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
Water Quality Certificate
Water Resources Development Act of 1996
Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014
West View Shores
Shall mean any one of the Administrations within the Maryland Department of Transportation, as listed in GP 1.02.
The chief executive officer of an Administration.
Any person designated by the Administrator or the procurement officer, acting directly or through his duly authorized representative, such representative acting within the scope of the particular duties assigned to him or of the authority given him.
The authorized representative of the procurement officer assigned to make detailed inspection of any or all portions of the work, or materials therefore.
Procurement Officer
Any person authorized by a State agency in accordance with law or regulations to formulate, enter into, or administer Contracts or make written determinations and findings with respect to them. The term also includes an authorized representative acting within the limits of authority.
The chief executive officer of the Maryland Department of Transportation.
American Association of Nurserymen
American Association of Port Authorities
Association of American Railroads
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
American Concrete Institute
American Institute of Architects
American Institute of Electrical Engineers
American Institute of Steel Construction
American Iron and Steel Institute
American National Standards Institute
American Railway Association
American Railway Engineering Association
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
American Society of Landscape Architects
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Society for Testing and Materials
American Transit Association
American Water Works Association
American Welding Society
American Wood Preservers Association
Associated General Contractors of America
Building Officials Conference of America
Code of Maryland Regulations
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
Edison Electric Institute
Electronic Industries Association
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Railway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Specifications and Standards, General Services Administration
Federal Transit Administration
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Illuminating Engineers Society
International Municipal Signal Association
Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association
Institute for Rapid Transit
Metal Building Manufacturers' Association
National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Maryland Standard Method of Tests (as developed by the State Highway Administration)
Maryland Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
National Board of Fire Underwriters
National Bureau of Standards
National Electric Code
National Electric Safety Code
National Electrical Manufacturers' Association
National Fire Protection Association
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Reflector and Lamp Manufacturers' Institute
Society of Automotive Engineers
Society of American Wood Preservers
Society for Protective Coatings
Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated
Qualified Products List Award—The decision by a procurement agency to execute a purchase agreement or Contract after all necessary approvals have been obtained.
The decision by a procurement agency to execute a purchase agreement or Contract after all necessary approvals have been obtained.
A statement of price, terms of sale, and description of the supplies, services, construction or construction related services offered by a bidder to the State in response to an Invitation for Bids.
Bid Bond
See Proposal Guaranty.
Bid Form
The approved form on which an Administration requires bids to be set forth and submitted.
A person formally submitting a bid for the work contemplated, acting directly or through a duly authorized representative.
The Board of Public Works of the State of Maryland.
A corporation, partnership, individual, sole proprietorship, joint venture, or any other legal entity through which commercial activity is conducted.
Calendar Day
Every day shown on the calendar, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays included.
Change Order
A written order signed by the responsible procurement officer, directing a Contractor to make changes which the changes clause of a Contract authorizes the procurement officer to order with or without the consent of the Contractor. TC 1.03 shall also apply.
Any agreement entered into by a procurement agency for the acquisition of supplies, services, construction, construction related services, architectural services or engineering services.Contract does not include: Collective bargaining agreements with employee organizations or agreements creating employer employee relationships, as defined in Article 64A, Section 15A(a)(3), Annotated Code of Maryland, Medicaid, Medicare, Judicare, or similar reimbursement contracts which user eligibility and cost are set by law or regulation.
Contract Documents
The written agreement executed between an Administration and the successful bidder, covering the performance of the work and furnishing of labor, equipment and materials, by which the Contractor is bound to perform the work and furnish the labor, equipment and materials, and by which the Administration is obligated to compensate him therefore at the mutually established and accepted rate or price. The Contract Documents shall include the Invitation for Bids, Notice to Contractors, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Contract Forms and Bonds, General Provisions, Specifications, Supplemental Specifications, all Special Provisions, all Technical Provisions, all Plans and Notices to Proceed, also any written Change Orders and Supplemental Agreements that are required to complete the construction of the work in an acceptable manner, including authorized extension thereof
Contract Drawings
See definition of "Plans".
Contract Item (Pay Item)
An item of work specifically described and for which a price, either unit or lump sum, is provided. It includes the performance of all work and the furnishing of all labor, equipment, and materials, described herein or described in any Supplemental Specifications or Special Provisions.
Contract Modification
Any written alteration in the Specifications, delivery point, date of delivery, Contract period, price, quantity, or other provision of any existing Contract, whether accomplished in accordance with a Contract Provision, or by mutual action of the parties to the Contract. It includes change orders, extra work orders, supplemental agreements, Contract amendments, or reinstatements.
Any person having a Contract with a procurement agency. Contractor does not include an employee with an employment Contract, or an employee organization with a collective bargaining agreement.
Calendar day unless otherwise designated.
Invitation for Bids
Any document, whether attached or incorporated by reference, used for soliciting bids under procurement by competitive sealed bidding and small procurement procedures including requests for quotations.


Notice to Contractors
The advertisement for Bids for all required work or materials. Such advertisement will indicate the location and magnitude of the work to be done or the character and quantity of the material to be furnished and the time and place of the opening of bids.
Notice to Proceed
A written notice to the Contractor of the date on or before which he shall begin the prosecution of the work to be done under the Contract.
Payment Bond
Security as stated in COMAR as a guarantee that Contractor will pay in full all bills and accounts for materials and labor used in the work, as provided by law.
Performance Bond
Security as stated in COMAR, guaranteeing complete performance of the Contract.
Any individual or a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, joint stock company, joint venture, unincorporated association, union, committee, club, or other organization or legal entity.
The official drawings issued by the Administration as part of the Contract Documents, including those incorporated in the Contract Documents by reference.
The response by an offeror to a request for proposals issued by a procurement agency to obtain goods or labor. The response may include but is not limited to an offeror's price and terms for the proposed Contract, and description of technical expertise, work experience and other information as requested in the solicitation. As used herein the word "proposal" means "bid".
Proposal Guaranty
The security, in the form stated in COMAR, designated in the Proposal, to be furnished by the offeror as a guaranty of good faith to enter into a Contract with the State, if the work of constructing the improvement is awarded to him.
Resident Business
A business whose principal office or principal base of operations is located in the State.
Responsible Bidder or Offeror
A person who has the capability in all respects to perform fully the Contract requirements, and the integrity and reliability that shall assure good faith performance.
Responsive Bid
A bid submitted in response to an Invitation for Bids that conforms in all material respects to the requirements contained in the Invitation for Bids.
A written description of functional characteristics, or the nature of a construction item to be procured. It may include a

statement of any of the user's requirements and may provide for inspection, testing, or preparation of a construction item before procurement.

The State of Maryland acting through its authorized representative.
Any agreement entered into by the Contractor or a subcontractor for a portion of the construction or any other part of the work in connection with, and under the terms of, the Contract.
Any person undertaking a portion of the construction or any other part of the work under the terms of the Contract, by virtue of an agreement with the Contractor or a subcontractor who, prior to such undertaking has received the approval of the Administration. Subcontractor does not include an employee with an employment contract, or an employee organization with a collective bargaining agreement.
The executive representative of the Contractor authorized to receive and execute instructions from the procurement officer, and who shall supervise and direct the construction.
Supplemental Specifications
Additions and revisions to the Standard Specifications. Generally include new or improved procedures, construction items or materials developed subsequent to the publication of Standard Specifications.
The corporate body bound with and for the Contractor, for the full and complete performance of the Contract, and for the payment of all debts pertaining to the work. When applying to the Bid Bond, it refers to the corporate body which engages to be responsible in the execution by the bidder of a satisfactory Contract.
Third Tier Contracting
The process in which the Contractor subcontracts a portion of the Contract to a subcontractor who in turn subcontracts a portion of the Contract to a third party. This latter action is termed entering into a third tier Contract.
Work shall be understood to mean the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, and other incidentals necessary to the successful completion of the project and the carrying out of all the duties and obligations imposed by the Contract.
The top surface of a roadbed upon which the pavement structure, shoulders, and curbs are constructed.
All of that part of the structure below bottoms of bearings of simple and continuous spans, skewbacks of arches and tops of footings of rigid frames, together with the back walls and wing walls.
All of that part of the structure above bottoms of bearings of simple and continuous spans, skewbacks of arches and tops of footings of rigid frames, except as noted above for substructure.
Surface Course
One or more layers of a pavement designed to accommodate the traffic load.
Traveled Way
The portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders.
An excavation made for the purpose of installing or removing pipes, drains, catch basins, etc., which is later refilled.
Working Day
A calendar day upon which, in the judgement of the Engineer, weather and soil conditions are such that the Contractor can advantageously work more than half of his current normal force for more than five consecutive hours on a controlling operation. Working days will not be charged on Saturdays, Sundays, and State recognized holidays unless the Contractor actually works more than five hours on a controlling operation.
Working Drawings
Stress sheets, shop drawings, fabrication details, erection plans, plans for false work, forms, centering, cribs, cofferdams and masonry layouts, bending and placing drawings, bar schedules for reinforcement steel, and any other supplementary plans or similar data that the Contractor may be required to furnish.
Additional Work
Work not required or provided for in the original Contract.
Base Course
The one or more layers of specified material and thickness placed on a subbase or a subgrade to support a surface course.
A structure including supports erected over a depression or an obstruction, such as water, highway, or railway, and having a track or passageway for carrying traffic or other moving loads, and having an opening measured along the center of the roadway of more than 20 feet between undercopings of abutments or spring lines of arches, or extreme ends of openings for multiple boxes; it may also include multiple pipes, where the clear distance between openings is less than half of the smaller contiguous opening. For lengths, all dimensions shall be parallel to the center line of the roadway. The dimensions of handrails will not be taken into account in measuring bridge lengths. Any bridge or highway grade separation structure includes the connecting highways, substructure, superstructure, roadway approaches, entrance plazas, interchanges, overpasses, underpasses, and other structures which the Administration may deem necessary together with all property rights, easements, franchises, and interests acquired by the Administration for the construction and operation of the bridge.
A document which verifies that the material and work complies with the applicable specifications and includes the actual test results to confirm the statement. The contents of the certification shall be on the Contractor's/vendor's/manufacturer's letterhead or approved document and shall be duly signed by a company officer. Certifications for metal products, when required, shall include a statement that the material was melted and manufactured in the United States except as provided in Section 165 of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, as amended by Section 1041(a) and 1048(a) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with regard to the furnishing and coating of iron and steel products. A nationwide waiver for this provision has been granted for pig iron and processed, pelletized, and reduced iron ore.
Change Order
A written document amending the Contract by adding, deleting, or modifying the Contract to include price, time, work, and conditions not previously addressed within the Contract. Refer to GP 1.05.
Contract Time
The number of working days, calendar days, or a calendar date specified in the Contract Documents indicating the time period allowed for the completion of the Contract work.
Controlling Operation
An operation which at the particular time under consideration has a controlling effect on the progress of the project as a whole.
Any structure not classified as a bridge which provides an opening under any roadway.
Domestic Manufacture
When referring to metallic items such as structural steel, pipe, reinforcement, bridge rails, etc., the term Domestic Manufacture means those metal products that have been melted and manufactured within the United States.
Drainage Ditch
In general, any open water course other than gutters, constructed as indicated in the Contract Documents.
All machinery, tools, and apparatus necessary for the proper construction and acceptable completion of the work, together with the necessary supplies for upkeep and maintenance.
Federal Agencies
Reference to any Federal agency or officer shall be deemed made to any agency or officer succeeding in conformance with law to the powers, duties, jurisdictions, and authority of the agency or officer mentioned.
General Provisions (GP) 
Contract provisions published as part of, or as a supplement to the Standard Specifications intended for general application and repetitive use.
In the State of Maryland, holidays occur on: January 1- New Year's Day, 3rd Monday in January-Martin Luther King's Birthday, 3rd Monday in February-President's Day, 4th Monday in May- Memorial Day, July 4-Independence Day, 1st Monday in September-Labor Day, 2nd Monday in October-Columbus Day, November 11-Veteran's Day, 4th Thursday in November-Thanksgiving Day, December 25-Christmas Day. All days of General and Congressional Elections (not primary elections) throughout the State. If a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be deemed and treated as a holiday. If a legal holiday falls on a Saturday, the Friday immediately preceding shall be deemed and treated as a holiday.
The testing laboratory of the State Highway Administration (or other Administrations) or any other testing laboratory designated by the procurement officer.
The portion of a divided highway separating the traveled ways for traffic in opposite directions.
Pavement Structure
The surface, base, or subbase course placed in layers on a subgrade to support and distribute the traffic load to the roadbed.
Profile Grade
The trace of a vertical plane intersecting the top surface of the proposed wearing surface usually along the longitudinal center line of the roadway. Profile grade means either elevation or gradient of the vertical plane.
A connecting roadway between two intersecting highways at a highway separation.
Right of Way
The area acquired and reserved by the Administration for use in constructing the proposed improvement and appurtenances.
The graded portion of a highway within the top and side slopes prepared as a foundation for the pavement structure and shoulders.
Road or Highway
Both the word road and the word highway include rights of way, surfaces, subgrades, shoulders, median dividers, drainage facilities and structures, roadway cuts, roadway fills, traffic barriers, bridges, highway grade elimination structures, tunnels, overpasses, underpasses, interchanges, entrance plazas, approaches, and other structures forming an integral part of a street, road, or highway; including bicycle and walking paths and related storm water management facilities and structures. Any other property acquired for the construction, operation, or use of the highway.
A general term denoting the area adjoining the outer edge of the roadbed within the right of way. Extensive areas between the roadways of a divided highway may also be considered roadside.
Roadside Development
Work for the preservation of natural and landscaped areas and the rehabilitation and protection against erosion of all areas disturbed by construction through turf establishment and the placing of other ground covers, suitable planting, and other improvements to increase the effectiveness and enhance the appearance of the highway.
Seal Coat
An application of asphalt material followed by an application of cover coat aggregate.
The portion of the roadbed contiguous with the traveled way for accommodation of stopped vehicles, for emergency use, and for lateral support of base and surface courses.
The portion of the roadway constructed for use by pedestrians.
The inclined graded areas beyond the shoulder, extending from the shoulders to the natural, undisturbed surface of the ground.
Special Provisions (SP)
Specifications for a specific item or condition requirement peculiar to an individual project and not otherwise thoroughly or satisfactorily detailed in the Contract Documents.
Special Provisions Insert (SPI) 
Additions and revisions to the Standard Specifications that have been officially approved.
Standard Specifications
The most current book of Specifications entitled "Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials" published by the Administration and intended for general application and repetitive use.
The official Standards for Highway and Incidental Structures, maintained on the Administration website. The latest incorporated revisions issued on or before the date of advertisement of the Contract.
State Highway System
That system of roads owned, operated, or maintained by the Administration.
State Road
Any public road included in the State highway system.
Bridges, culverts, catch basins, drop inlets, retaining walls, cribbing, manholes, end walls, buildings, sewers, service pipes, underdrains, foundation drains, steps, fences, and other features that may be encountered in the work and not otherwise classified.
The layers of specified or selected material of designed thickness placed on a subgrade to support a base course or surface course.
3R stands for resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation projects. 3R projects typically involve pavement improvement work (short of full-depth replacement) and targeted safety improvements. 3R projects generally involve retention of the existing three-dimensional alignment.
Transportation Worker Identification Credentials
Stormwater Control Measures
Hydraulic Grade Line
Environmental Site Design
Maximum Extent Practicable
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Electronic Data Collection
An Incentive/Disincentive in a contract will pay a contractor an incentive for each day that he gets the bridge open to traffic early, up to a set maximum amount. If the contractor is late getting the bridge open to traffic, he will be charged a disincentive for each day that the bridge is not open, without a maximum limit.
MAFI is world-wide the synonym of rolltrailers used in modern RoRo Ports and Container Terminals
goldhofer;a type of heavy haul trailer
Is a type of test for assessing the load carrying capacity of deep foundations which is faster and less expensive than the static load test.
The Proctor compaction test is a laboratory method of experimentally determining the optimal moisture content at which a given soil type will become most dense and achieve its maximum dry density. The term Proctor is in honor of R. R. Proctor, who in 1933 showed that the dry density of a soil for a given compactive effort depends on the amount of water the soil contains during soil compaction.
Unified Soil Classification System
Unified Soil Classification System term for Silt
an undercarriage with four or six wheels pivoted beneath the end of a railroad car
mechanically stabilized earth
weathering steel
Weathering steel, best-known under the trademark COR-TEN steel and sometimes written without the hyphen as corten steel, is a group of steel alloys which were developed to eliminate the need for painting, and form a stable rust-like appearance if exposed to the weather for several years.
signal warrants
A warrant is a set of criteria used to define the relative need for, and. appropriateness of, a particular traffic control device (e.g., STOP or YIELD sign, traffic signal, etc.). Warrants are usually expressed in the form of numerical. requirements such as the volume of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
signal warrant
A warrant is a set of criteria used to define the relative need for, and. appropriateness of, a particular traffic control device (e.g., STOP or YIELD sign, traffic signal, etc.). Warrants are usually expressed in the form of numerical. requirements such as the volume of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) or rolled concrete is a special blend of concrete that has essentially the same ingredients as conventional concrete but in different ratios, and increasingly with partial substitution of fly ash for Portland cement.
Self consolidating concrete (SCC), also known as self compacting concrete, is a highly flowable, non-segre- gating concrete that can spread into place, fill the formwork and encapsulate the reinforcement without any mechanical consolidation.